Initial Orthodontic Consultation

Here's the start of my journey to straight teeth. The very beginning. 

My initial consultation with my orthodontist.

It was all very straight forward. I had some x-rays taken, profile 
photographs, photos of my teeth and smile, and they took impressions
of my teeth to make plaster models of them. He also had a look in my mouth. 
My orthodontist said 4 teeth will need to come out to make room. 
Then the best option would be ceramic (tooth coloured) fixed braces. 
Treatment should take 18-24 months. 
Other options for me would be Invisalign (clear retainer like braces 
that can be taken out) but this was not advisable for me as my 
treatment could take more than 3 years and would be tricky with how 
crowded my teeth are. 
The only other option is a fixed brace where custom braces are 
made for each of my teeth in Germany. But there are 2 problems with 
this type of brace. One, it's a lot more expensive and two, my 
orthodontist said the few patients he's had who have gone with this 
option have had speech problems due to the tongue touching and 
catching the braces. During and after treatment. So you go through 
this whole process to get lovely straight teeth and you end up not 
being able to speak properly! Not the best idea, so I knew I would 
go with ceramic fixed braces. He also said they feel great when you 
get them taken off. 
So I now knew what could be done. The thing that freaked me out most 
(other than the cost of £4160) was that fact that I would need to have 
teeth extracted. This is my worse phobia. Teeth coming out. And as I 
said earlier I've never had any work done at the dentist. Just a 
x-ray once and them cleaned, so my hate of the dentist is kind of 
irrational. But my feeling was I can't do this. They will have to 
knock me out. Do they even do that?! 
But overall the orthodontist was completely confident that he could 
give me straighter teeth! Woop! 
My next step would be to see my dentist and discuss tooth extractions... 


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