Day 0: Braces ON


Today I got my top brace on. It feels absolutely massive in my mouth. Like HUGE. It all went on fine. I decided its better when I'm at the orthodontist/dentist etc to just to lay there, relax and keep my eyes tightly closed. 

The thing about fixed braces is now I have to be careful with what I eat. Nothing that could ping the brackets off and they are only "glued on". No more fizzy drinks either as they can discolour the teeth and the dental nurse showed me some horrid pictures of where people had caused bad discolouration their teeth while they had fixed braces on it left marks where the brackets were. And I don't really want that. I'm not even allowed sparkling water!! Grrr.

So here is the new beast:

A front on photograph of teeth with ceramic fixed braces at day 0 of treatment

A front on photograph of open teeth with upper ceramic fixed braces at day 0 of treatment

Snazzy ey. Okay so it's a bit obvious but I think it is made worse by how crooked my teeth are. Everything sticks out every which way! I just keep thinking this is the worse it will look, those ceramic braces they show you on the model of perfect teeth never look too bad... Once mine are a bit straighter the braces wont be quite as out there... surely...

By the way, this top brace felt massive when I left the clinic. It felt like everyone was looking at me and my big fat face. It's something completely foreign and awkward that has just been glued to your teeth.

When I got home it was lunch time and I can tell you, trying to eat for the first time with a fixed brace was quite funny. The orthodontic nurse had said it might all feel sore for a few days as my orthodontist had been tugging on my teeth a little, and she was correct. My front teeth were actually numb, so lunch ended up being soup. I couldn't even eat the bread. I was told things would get easier.  


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