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4 months after having my brace removed

Well hello there! Long time no see. Well... 4 months to be exact as that's how long it's been since I had my brace removed. The other day was my 4 month check up with my orthodontist. Just to see that everything was ok with my newly straightened teeth. He also wanted to check I was putting my overnight retainers in correctly. He said you would be surprised by the number of people who don't click them in fully and wonder why they teeth start to move back to their original positions!  My orthodontist seemed pleased with how I've now mastered getting them in and (just about) out without a mirror. He also commented that my teeth are stationary of something like that which I guess means they haven't moved, which is what we want!  It was a very quick appointment but I did want to ask him about teeth whitening. Sometimes I feel my teeth look a bit yellow and to finish off having lovely straight teeth I thought lightening them just a couple of shades would b

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