4 months after having my brace removed

Well hello there!

Long time no see. Well... 4 months to be exact as that's how long it's been since I had my brace removed.

The other day was my 4 month check up with my orthodontist. Just to see that everything was ok with my newly straightened teeth. He also wanted to check I was putting my overnight retainers in correctly. He said you would be surprised by the number of people who don't click them in fully and wonder why they teeth start to move back to their original positions! 

My orthodontist seemed pleased with how I've now mastered getting them in and (just about) out without a mirror. He also commented that my teeth are stationary of something like that which I guess means they haven't moved, which is what we want! 

It was a very quick appointment but I did want to ask him about teeth whitening. Sometimes I feel my teeth look a bit yellow and to finish off having lovely straight teeth I thought lightening them just a couple of shades would be the icing on the cake so to speak :D


  1. So happy to hear that you have got this treatment very well. I also got by invisalign braces from a cosmetic dentist in Southgate. Will be removing it in two months. From my last consultation, my teeth is perfectly fine and my facial appearance has totally changed due to this. I am so glad that i have done it.

  2. Good day! It's so nice to hear that your dentist saw your efforts in taking care of your teeth after having your braces removed. He is correct, as there are people who become relaxed after having their braces taken off and don't bother putting on the retainers. Well, they're called retainers for a reason, right? Also, do not be ashamed to ask your doctor about teeth whitening, as it is one of the things that one can do once they have their braces removed. It also helps in boosting our self-confidence by not only having perfectly-aligned teeth, but also a dazzling white smile. Good day!

    Felipe Roberson @ Philly Dentist

  3. I really loved reading through this article..! Life would be really good when you tolerate all the things with a beautiful smile. Thanks for sharing your experience here. Pembroke Pines Orthodontist

  4. Perfect smile! You have a more fabulous teeth and a gorgeous smile.
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  7. Good to know that you have mastered the way to get your braces in and out. I see this was back in 2014. How has it been since? Is everything okay now?

  8. I went through having braces when I was 18 from Kriger Orthodontics in Florida. It was not as horrible as people had said me it would be. It was uncomfortable and difficult at first, but the outcomes really express for themselves.

  9. nicely explained but which is comfort you eat and drink wearing braces or removing that. Great ideas are given to know more.

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  10. Awesome!! Seriously you got great results after four months. Your smile becomes more beautiful after getting braces off.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Thanks for giving the information about the Ceramic Bracket! Really very useful information about our healthy teeth.

  13. Great work Miss Ali for taking care of your dental health. Your blog posts will surely help a lot to look through the experiences and results braces can have. Thanks for sharing this update with us.
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