Week 29

Back to the orthodontist I have been. 

For some reason I had told myself that my orthodontic appointment this time around was going to be a breeze. 

How wrong I was.

It was awful. Perhaps my worse one to date.

He wanted to change both my upper and lower wires for stronger ones. 
He also decided to add 2 new brackets to the back of my upper teeth. That move I was not counting on. I thought my time in new brackets was over :(

Also, when he was changing the wire on my lower teeth and the last bracket fell off! I know this because my orthodontist and his nurse both went "oh" at the same time while poking around in my mouth.

So I now wonder how long that badger has been loose/not attached and if so has it slowed my treatment and progress. ANNOYING.

Also, he mentioned my red patches that I get on the roof of my mouth and said they are looking really aggressive at the moment. Nice.

And he said my gums are a bit swollen (sometime I had noticed in the past month or so) and that I need to really brush them. I AM. REALLY WELL. It wont go down!!

Anywho, 2 new wires, chains over ALL bracketed teeth (upper and lower), 2 new brackets, one replacement bracket later and I'm done. Oh, and in pain. Lots of pain. 

I had actually forgotten how much it aches when he has been invading my mouth! Ouchie.

Can you see my new bracket?

Angry patches

My teeth are feeling sore. Certain ones more so than others. There is a particular one that hurts when I use my mouthwash in the evening. 

Oh and my new brackets at the back have given me ulcers already! Wax me up. Onwards and upwards.

In 5 weeks time I will be looking back at this and thinking what was I moaning about!

On the plus side, my

Such attractive photos!


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