Week 54

Just over a year with my braces now. And to be perfectly honest, they now feel like old friends. I've gotten so used to having them I think it's going to feel very empty and odd when they come off. 

I had a rather swift appointment this time. Changed top and bottom wires. Changed top and bottom chains. Oooo and I have 12 links of medium chain and 12 links of spacing chain!  How very exciting :)

Oh and he used that 'stone' tool again. It must be some sort of grinder as he didn't use it on my teeth this time but on the bottom wire he was putting in. In my last post I mentioned how painful and forceful it was for him to get the lower wire in through my back teeth brackets. Well I think same thing this time as he tried to get it in 3 times. Before each try I could hear him using 'the stone', and then trying again to pop the wire in. It finally went in, not fun though all the same. 

Wasn't told off about cleaning my teeth this time so I must be doing a better job. That or he's gotten bored of telling me!

He said next time that he would like to change a couple of brackets on the bottom teeth. But at least I know in advance. 


He said at present the braces could possibly come off in MAY 2014. Yippie. 

Photos of my teeth now after 54 weeks of orthodontic treatment:

A photo of teeth 54 weeks into orthodontic treatment with ceramic fixed braces
Look at that straight line going right in the middle of my teeth. Perfect!

A photo of teeth 54 weeks into orthodontic treatment with ceramic fixed braces

A photo of teeth 54 weeks into orthodontic treatment with ceramic fixed braces

A photo of teeth 54 weeks into orthodontic treatment with ceramic fixed braces
Looking at this photo I still cannot believe that the first orthodontist I saw at 13 years old told me that taking teeth out was not an option. I have 4 out in all. Two from up here. What on earth was he thinking!!

A photo of teeth 54 weeks into orthodontic treatment with ceramic fixed braces
Looking pretty straight now. Only little gaps remain from my extractions.

A photo of teeth 54 weeks into orthodontic treatment with ceramic fixed braces

A photo of teeth 54 weeks into orthodontic treatment with ceramic fixed braces

A photo of teeth 54 weeks into orthodontic treatment with ceramic fixed braces

And I also picked up a leaflet today about teeth whitening. So getting that done when the braces come off.  I used to think my teeth were quite white. Well not amazing but passable. Well the longer I have these braces the more stained my teeth seem to look. Hmm. They also seem to have good days and bad ones. I know that sounds ridiculous but it's just how I feel!

The whitening process sounds ok. You get custom made trays that fit your teeth exactly. And you apply to hydrogen peroxide gel to your teeth and pop the trays on for a couple of hours a day for 1-2 weeks. All very straight forward. The only thing I worry about is that my teeth used to be and are to some extent quite sensitive. That is the one thing people mention when they have any kind of teeth whitening done. That it makes your teeth sore. I watched the story of someones teeth whitening experience on youtube and they said that they were given a gel to apply to your gums to make them less sensitive beofre applying the whitening gel. We shall see. But I REALLY want it done.


  1. Thank you for all the info! I have been looking for all the info about an Ceramic bracket. Thanks again for all the info!


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