Week 10


Today was my first adjustment appointment after having both my top brace and bottom braces fitted. A little update- so a couple of my have brackets fell off and I had to make extra appointments so they could be sorted out. A bit annoying as you feel like it will delay the whole process but the first one that came off was I think because it wasn't glued on very well. And the second because my teeth move so much that the pressure pinged it off. Who knows. But I just rang my orthodontist and told them and they got me in within a week to get them stuck back on.

Anyway, today my orthodontist had to change my top wire. Mainly because some of it was missing. I'd had (yet) another bracket fall off last week. I'm honestly not eating things that I'm not supposed to!! But it was one of the back brackets so I had to cut the wire (as I'd been advised by one of the orthodontic nurses) with nail clippers. That tiny wire is a hell of a lot stronger than it looks!! Took ages to cut through. Anyway, so he finally put a wire on the top teeth all the way back crossing my gaps where I have the teeth out and attached it to the silver looking brackets I have at the back on my first molars. Before it was only the front teeth that had wire on. And while I was in the chair I could hear him talking to the Nurse and saying "Please can you get me some chains".


That was a little scary lying there. I'm thinking what on earth are you doing in my poor little mouth. But I did go into this process thinking he's got to do what he's got to do to sort my teeth out so it doesn't really matter how he does it...
So it put chains across the teeth either side of my gaps! These are to close the gaps up. Clever. I was told that I may notice large gaps appear at the front of my teeth and not to be alarmed as they wouldn't leave me like that. Good Good. I've never had any gaps in between my teeth so that will be a novelty. 

A front on photograph of teeth with ceramic fixed braces at week 10 of treatment

You can just about see the "chain" on the photo below. It's clear.

A side on photograph of teeth with ceramic fixed braces at week 10 of treatment

A side on photograph of teeth with ceramic fixed braces at week 10 of treatment

A photograph of lower teeth with ceramic fixed braces at week 10 of treatment

A photograph of lower teeth with ceramic fixed braces at week 10 of treatment

Oh and I have a funny red patch on the roof of my mouth. No-one (4 dentists, 4 consultants and my orthodontist) knows what it is. We're looking into it. Had it over 3 years now and it moves around and changes shape. Naughty little thing. If anyone has any ideas I'd love to hear from you.



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